by Cocay | Birth Stories, Pregnancy
A powerful story of a courageous Canadian Mama who gave birth after being diagnosed with breast cancer. My birthing story…. It was a challenging time for us. I was diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer one month before my due date. I was the one who detected...
by Carmen Popescu | Birth Stories, Pregnancy
10 percent of women suffer from PCOS, which can affect their chances of conceiving. Read on for one woman’s roller-coaster story from diagnosis to baby. In my late teens, I was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) and I found out that...
by Emmy Coffey McCarthy | Letters From Emmy
Birth. It’s a daunting topic to take on because it is so vast, yet so personal. Every birth is unique, every pregnancy is unique so how can you cover the whole topic in a month? The simple answer is we can’t, but birth is where Amsterdam Mamas began, how...
by Editorial Team | Health, New to Amsterdam, Pregnancy, Quick Start
Are you pregnant? The American Woman’s Club of Amsterdam (AWCA) recently compiled an informative brochure containing an extensive list of resources for pregnant mamas-to-be in the Netherlands. We are pleased to feature a selection from their “Having a Baby...
by Anna Csanadi | Health, Pregnancy, The Mamas Recommend
Whether you are new to the Netherlands, new to motherhood, or both, a childbirth class is an excellent way to learn more about the birthing process and meet other parents at the same stage of pregnancy as you. Read on for our recommended prenatal classes in...