Little Star Fitness – Kinder (4-6 years) and Allstar (7-12) Acro Circus Stars The children will be exploring a variety of circus skills, such as aerial silks, juggling, handstands, hula hooping and tumbling. Circus is a great way to develop the essentials of any...
We offer playful, creative and imaginative classes for children aged from 2 to 10 years old. Kids learn theatre and dance skills, develop confidence and have great fun! For the youngest children our parent and child classes are a unique combination of dance, mime,...
Running, jumping, rolling, crawling, falling down and then ‘picking yourself up again’….Constant movement helps young kids discover the world around them. Toddlers (2&3) and pre-schoolers (4&5). Their minds are stirred and inspired; they are stimulated to...
Baby Sensory and Toddler Sense, award winning baby and toddler classes from England, now available in English (and Dutch) in Holland. Baby Sensory: Precious Early Learning for Babies (0-15 months) Each class includes a variety of different baby development activities...
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