by Lianne Bergeron | Bicycling, Children
To wear a helmet or not to wear a helmet? Amsterdam is a bike city, but would you insist your children wear helmets? While expecting my first child 8 years ago, I mentioned to my Dutch husband that our child would definitely be wearing a helmet as soon as he was...
by Ana Crisostomo | Restaurants & Eating Out, The Mamas Recommend
Want to entertain at home but don’t feel like cooking? Here are our community’s top recommendations for party caterers in Amsterdam. Thank you Mamas! Antillean and Aruban Bandabou Caters privately or for companies, up to 300 guests. French Ma...
by Emmy Coffey McCarthy | Children, Cultural Holidays, Education
What are these bags my son keeps bringing home from daycare and what do we put in them when it’s our turn? Since my son started daycare I noticed a strange trend. Every week or so we would be handed a small bag at the end of the day filled with...
by Donna Bardsley | Cultural Holidays, New to Amsterdam
Wondering what King’s Day is all about and how you can celebrate with your kids? Read on for tips on how to join in this uniquely Dutch celebration. Nothing says “happy birthday” to a monarch quite like an enormous, nationwide flea market, right? At...
by Irina Musuc | Home Sweet Home, Life in Amsterdam, New to Amsterdam
Blogger and Amsterdam Mama Irina Musuc shares a few of the reasons why living in the Netherlands with kids is the best. Since moving to the Netherlands with my 12 and 9 year-old sons, I have discovered wonderful advantages of living in this country and I truly find it...
by Elvira Mendoza | Autumn, Cultural Holidays, Winter
One Amsterdam mama shares how her family incorporates both Dutch and Colombian traditions during the holiday season – it sounds amazing and hectic! Read on to find out how she does it. One of the wonders of having a multicultural marriage is that you can...