by Emmy Coffey McCarthy | Children, Living Sustainably
On the 21st of April Amsterdam Mamas helped to host the Great Cloth Diaper Change 2012. Part of a world record breaking attempt to change as many cloth diapers at the same time around the globe as possible. Here at Amsterdam Mamas we love our cloth bums!...
by Emmy Coffey McCarthy | Children's Activities, Life in Amsterdam
It is just over a week until our annual Spooky Buggy Parade, which this year is sponsored by Baby Jogger. So it felt like high time we put the details from last year on the web. Halloween is not a Dutch tradition and, although Halloween-themed activities are becoming...
by Heather McParland | Birth Stories, Pregnancy
The Expatish Mama, Heather, tells her story of IVF to mamahood. Including a cautionary tale on the effects of prune juice during birth… Not for the faint-hearted. My name is Heather, I’m 39 years old (but I have the elbows and knees of a...
by Emmy Coffey McCarthy | Children
Are you looking for a party venue with indoor and outdoor space? Emmy celebrated her preschooler’s birthday at Stadsboerderij Zimmerhoeve in Amsterdam West and found it to be a great solution. Space for Everyone When my son turned one we decided not to...