Book Reviews

Book Review: Knocked Up Abroad Again

Book Review: Knocked Up Abroad Again

Alba Léon reviews the book Knocked Up Abroad, an exploration of the unique challenges and joys of being pregnant while living abroad. Living abroad has its ups and downs and challenges, and they can become even more pronounced when you are pregnant… Having a...
Book Review: Dutched Up!

Book Review: Dutched Up!

There’s a new book out full of pithy essays on expat adventures in Amsterdam, and it left Robyn Grafton nodding in agreement and wiping away tears of laughter. Find out why ‘Dutched Up!’ is a top read for international residents. If you were...
Book Review: Lola’s Sint

Book Review: Lola’s Sint

A new children’s book has arrived, certain to get your little one in the Sinterklaas spirit!  We don’t have a lot of Sinterklaas related books or items in my household. Not by design, but that’s just how things have worked out. My (Dutch) husband comes...