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Mini and Kinder Groovers – Little Star Fitness

Mini Groovers - Little Star Fitness

Little Star Fitness – Mini Groovers Dance Class (2-4 years)

The Mini Groovers dance program is for children between the ages of 2.5 – 4. Throughout the 45 minute class, our Mini Groovers will be introduced to dance in a fun and educational way. Each session will be filled with free dancing, games, music and endless amounts of fun. Skills such as body co-ordination and expression, musical rhythm, relation time lapse-move, balance and concentration will be developed. Our Mini Groovers will explore the following dance styles throughout the term: Ballet, Jazz, African Dance, Latin and Freestyle Dance. Your children will love the fun created during the different activities we provide during this class. Upon finishing the term, achievement medals will be awarded to all the dancers.

Little Star Fitness – Kinder Groovers Dance Class (4-6 years)

The Kinder Groovers Dance Class is offered to children between 4-6 and takes our little groovers to the next level in their rhythm and dance development. This class is designed to help your child expand and develop their musical and dancing skills. During this 50 minute class our Kinder Groovers will learn Ballet, Jazz, Arabic and African Dance techniques in a fun and supportive environment, whilst focusing on their development of short and long term choreographies. This dance class will not only train their bodies but also enable our groovers to recall and retain their learnt knowledge in years to come. Upon finishing the term, achievement medals will be awarded to all the dancers.



Jan van Eijckstraat 47, 1077 LH Amsterdam







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