Awards – Business FAQs

[accordions] [accordion title=”How do the Awards work?”] Members of our community were invited to nominate the businesses, services, events and activities that their families love in the city (and surrounding regions). From those nominations, we invite people to vote for their favourites. The business with the most votes in each category will be the 2018 winner. [/accordion] [accordion title=”Are there any costs involved?”] Absolutely none. The awards are completely FREE for all nominated businesses to participate in. This is our way of giving back to the city by sharing what our community loves. There are no costs at all for businesses in the awards.[/accordion] [accordion title=”Who can vote?”] Voting is open to the general public. [/accordion] [accordion title=”How can people vote?”] On the official voting form on the Amsterdam Mamas website. Online voting will open on tdb. Only one nomination form per email address will be accepted (and yes, we will be monitoring this!) [/accordion] [accordion title=”What are the categories?”]

  • Best Baby Group or Class
  • Best Toddler Group or Class
  • Best Class or Group for Younger Childen
  • Best Class or Group for Older Children
  • Best Swim School
  • Best Language School
  • Best Child Friendly Restaurant
  • Best Museum for Families
  • Best Event in Amsterdam for Families
  • Best Day Out (indoors) for Families
  • Best Day Out (outdoors) for Families
  • Best Children’s Shop
  • Best Children’s Hairdresser
  • Best Children’s Party Services Provider
  • Best Family Photographer
  • Best Parent Fitness Class
  • Best Parent Hairdresser
  • Best Spa/Relaxation for Parents [/accordion] [accordion title=”Is there a category for Amsterdam Mamas Partner Businesses?”] Partner Businesses will have their own category at the voting stage. You can nominate Partner businesses in the relevant categories during the nominations stage or vote for your favourite Partner Card business during the voting stage. [/accordion] [accordion title=”Will people know who nominated or voted for my business?”] No. All nominations and votes are confidential. [/accordion] [accordion title=”My business has been nominated but I do not want to participate in the awards, what should I do?”] No problem, just let us know by e-mail that you do not want to proceed in the awards and we will remove you from the voting form. [/accordion] [accordion title=”My business has been nominated in a category that I do not want to be in, what should I do?”] Send us an e-mail and we will remove you from that category. [/accordion] [accordion title=”How are the winners selected?”] The winners are selected by the voters. A winner will be the nominee in each category who receive the most votes by close of voting, and will be announced on the website after the tdb [/accordion] [accordion title=”What do the winners get?”] Other than the warm fuzzy glow that they have been nominated and voted for by parents who use, value and love what you do, all winners will be featured in the Amsterdam Mamas Recommend section of our website. All participating businesses will receive a window sticker, certificate and option to use the Amsterdam Mamas official logo on their electronic communications. A recommendation from the Amsterdam Mamas community is already seen as a hallmark for family-friendly businesses in Amsterdam. Winners of the Awards will now be able to visibly demonstrate the community’s trust in them and it makes it much easier for the community to discover new, trusted businesses. [/accordion] [accordion title=”Where can I find a list of the winners?”] The winners will be listed on a dedicated page on the Amsterdam Mamas website once the voting process has closed. We will update this page with the link once they have been announced. To be the first to know, please make sure that you are signed up for the Amsterdam Mamas Newsletters. If you are not already registered you can register by filling in your details at the bottom of this page. [/accordion] [accordion title=”What should I do next?”] Tell everyone you’ve been nominated. Everyone! And ask them to vote for you when voting opens. [/accordion] [accordion title=”Can I use the logo to promote the awards? “] Yes! Absolutely. Please click on the image below and download it to your computer then you can use it on the web to gather more attention and votes.





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