Are you looking for a fun way for you and the kids to improve your Dutch? Dutch teacher Joska Kruijssen of Rubio Dutch has the apps you need to bring learning into the home in a cheap and time-efficient way.

There are multiple ways to create a meaningful Dutch learning environment to help your brain get the most out the effort you put into Dutch. It all starts with increasing the amount of Dutch you experience each day. An easy way of upping your exposure to Dutch is to choose a couple of apps and blend them into your daily routine.

Apps for Adults


Similar to Duolingo, a free online program to learn the basics of Dutch, funded by the European Union. 

2. Duolingo     

Most people enjoy Duolingo and it’s sense of humour. Devote just a few minutes a day and you will see quite an improvement in your vocabulary. Free.

3. HelloTalk Taal Uitwisseling      

An app that puts you in contact with native speakers that help you improve your Dutch. Free. 

4. Parleremo    

Parleremo is a virtual town that teaches languages. The community uses resources, forums, internet relay chat, voice chats, journals and member feedback. Free.

Apps for Kids

5. Cinekid Applab      

App that helps you find the prettiest and most educational children’s apps.

6. Een Verre Reis

A beautifully illustrated story by Dutch writer Toon Tellegen.

7. Het Muizenhuis

A Dutch adventure with little mice Julia and Sam.

8. Juf Jannie

Apps on different topics, like vocabulary and grammar.         

9. Letterschool NL

A smartphone app that helps young children learn how to recognise, write and read the Dutch alphabet.

10. Maan Roos Vis        

A Smartphone app used by many Amsterdam Mamas and Papas to help kids with their first words of Dutch.

11. Slaap Lekker        

A free app for young children to say goodbye to all the farm animals before going to bed.

12. Storm and Skye en het Geheim van de Autowasstraat

 A little boy finds a magic world, story with nine chapters told in Dutch. First book of a sequence.

13. We Hebben er een Geitje Bij!  

An app thet teaches you the names of all farm animals.

14. Zappelin               

A free app that gives you access to all public TV programmes for children.

Joska Kruijssen

Joska Kruijssen is a Dutch teacher and owner of Rubio Dutch Amsterdam, a language school with a unique method based on natural learning principles, where grammar and vocabulary are considered a means and not a goal in itself. She is the mother of two bilingual girls, aged 8 and 4, and lives in Amsterdam together with her Spanish partner.