A Conversation on Parenting and Gender Roles 

Daniel and Carla met in Brazil, where they began dating and then both ended up working in the IT industry. A job opportunity for Carla in Amsterdam opened up not only the option of a major international move, but also allowed them to make career and parenting choices based on what worked best for them.

In the less-common position of being a male “trailing spouse”, Daniel took the opportunity to switch careers and pursue writing by starting a blog (in Portuguese) about their life in Amsterdam. After their first child was born, Carla went back to work as the primary provider and Daniel stayed home with their infant daughter as the primary carer at home.

In this episode, we talk to Daniel and Carla about their decision to stay in Amsterdam to start a family, how they experienced gender norms in Brazil and the Netherlands, and discuss their views on parenting and gender norms.


Show Notes: 


Find Daniel at DucsAmsterdam, and on Facebook

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Donna Bardsley

Donna Bardsley is the travel-loving mother of three homebodies who hate to leave the house. After living in Amsterdam for six years, she has recently moved her family back to the US where she is experiencing all the joys of reverse culture shock.