by Julia Smile | Legal, Life in Amsterdam, New to Amsterdam, Quick Start
You have bought ‘het fiets’ and you don’t mind cycling in the wind and the rain. Your family enjoys your ‘stamppot’, your toddler loves ‘peuterspeelzaal’, and you can order ‘een koffie verkeerd en appeltaart met...
by Lana Huf-Germain | Home Sweet Home, Legal, Life in Amsterdam, Money
You would think that for a city built on water, the first choice of transportation would be a boat. After all, there are 165 canals in Amsterdam covering a total distance of more than 50km! We cycle, drive cars, ride scooters, hail trams, and… oh yes, we...
by Pauline Montanus | Legal, Money
Marriage isn’t just about love: it’s probably the most important legal contract you’ll ever enter into. We urge all our mamas and papas to make sure they understand the legal ins-and-outs of what they are signing up to. New Dutch Matrimonial...
by Anastasia Drost | Legal, Life in Amsterdam, New to Amsterdam
Everyone needs legal guidance, information, and assistance from time to time. Amsterdam Mamas is a virtual treasure trove of information about Dutch law and getting legal help when you need it. Below is a convenient roundup of Amsterdam Mamas’ most popular...
by Lydia Unsworth | Children, Legal
What’s in a name? While a rose by any other name may smell as sweet, feelings can run deep around surnames and laws can sometimes be surprising. Fortunately, Lydia Unsworth is here to share her experience navigating the somewhat tricky process of...
by Lori Evans | Legal, Life in Amsterdam, Money, New to Amsterdam, Quick Start
Chances are you’ve heard of DigiD, but have no idea what it is, let alone how it will make your life easier. For those of us waiting for someone to help make this digital leap easier, the wait has ended. Lori Evans has the scoop on all things DigiD –...