by Amanda van Mulligen | Education
One of our Mamas tells us about the day her son started at peuterspeelzaal, and passes on her tips. We have just dropped my middle son off at peuterspeelzaal. To non-Dutch speakers that’s preschool or kindergarten. We’ve been preparing him for some time now for...
by Kate Berger | Education, Learning Dutch, Life in Amsterdam, New to Amsterdam
Is your child learning Dutch? Child Psychologist Kate Berger MSc of Expat Kids Club explains why your child is likely to pick up the new language with ease, and what this means for you. Why Children Often Learn Dutch Quickly Having made the big decision of which...
by Editorial Team | Child Care, Children, New to Amsterdam
All childcare in the Netherlands needs to be approved and registered by the Ministry of Health. There is a national database of registered childcare which you can reference at any time. To understand how to use it, read on. All childcare facilities in the Netherlands...
by Emmy Coffey McCarthy and Annebet van Mameren | Education
For an international parent, navigating the Dutch education system is daunting, particularly if your child has special educational needs. Here is our guide to getting the information and support you need in the Netherlands. Overview Wherever possible, children with...
by Emmy Coffey McCarthy | Child Care, Children, New to Amsterdam
Living in Amsterdam means that you have access to a large range of childcare, Dutch, English, bilingual. We chose to send our son to a Dutch daycare even though we don’t speak Dutch ourselves. Here’s why… When we got to his first birthday my son and...
by Simone Davies | Bicycling, Children, Education
Cycling is the most common mode of transport around Amsterdam, but it’s not always a stress-free journey in the city.Especially when it’s your child negotiating the busy roads to school alone on a bike… My son is nearly 12 years old and just started...