by Donna Bardsley | Children, Family Travel, Quick Travel Guides, Travel
Does thinking about traveling with your kids in Europe’s bustling, crowded cities cause you to tremble in fear and curl up in a fetal position? Relax, one of our mamas shares her tips to help you brave a city break with your kids. Here are her 10 lessons learned...
by Jenny Bruce | Children, Quick Travel Guides
Our Overseas Grandparent recently came to town and took her grandson on a fabulous day out to de Natureluur playground. She offers her experience and some tips if you’re planning a trip to de Natureluur with your little ones. Whenever I see my overseas grandson,...
by Amanda van Mulligen | Health, New to Amsterdam, Pregnancy
Here we give you some of the facts about giving birth in the Netherlands so you can think about how best to approach the experience. Becoming a mother is one of life’s most wonderful experiences. However, being pregnant can bring up many questions and doubts,...
by Margaret Kearns | Education, New to Amsterdam
After moving from Ireland to Amsterdam and placing her three children in a Dutch public school, one of our mamas shares her tips for other parents placing their non-Dutch speaking children in the Dutch school system. When we packed...
by Editorial Team | Education
What is it about the IPC that has gained the commitment of over 1,300 schools in over 63 countries around the world in just ten years? It has always been important for children to receive a great education. In the challenging, global, interdependent world of the 21st...
by Olof Lakmaker | Child Care, New to Amsterdam, Quick Start
Finding the right childcare can be a challenge, especially when you aren’t familiar with the local system. Luckily, a number of childcare options are available in the Netherlands. Childcare Centers The majority of childcare is provided by private childcare...