Amsterdam is a photographer’s dream –  a stunning place, filled with life, charm, and hidden nooks and corners – which makes for a great backdrop for those family photo sessions. There’s no better place to add a dash of novelty to a family photo than the famous pathways of Amsterdam.

Below are four sites which capture the essence of Amsterdam for a family photo session. I have also added tips and tricks to get just the right picture. Remember, the most important ingredients to getting the best picture is being yourself and having fun!

1. Grafitti fun: Are you a cool and edgy family that loves colours and graffiti? Are you inspired and dazzled by street art? Then this is just the spot for you. This area (the side wall of Marnixstraat 164-166) is the perfect place to snap a few family portraits that bring out your family’s individuality!


2. Classic: This classic canal + bicycle backdrop of Amsterdam is perfect if you want to go rustic. You can find this kind of scene on almost every corner of the city center. Tip to avoid crowds: Since Amsterdam is famous for partying hard on Saturday night, go to the canal early on Sunday morning. I have done it a bunch of times and it has been an all round success. You will find you can take your time in getting the right family pictures without having to dodge tourists out of your frame. 


3. Trinkets: If you’re in town for a short while and want to take pictures of what I call ‘Authentic Amsterdam’, then you must include these Amsterdamertjes in your portraits as well as the impressive doors that many houses in Amsterdam are adorned with.


4. Vondelpark: If you are a nature-loving, active family that enjoys the greenery and the colours of nature, then this park is your background! Adults can lay on the grass, kids can do cartwheels and make friends with the dogs that come to the park and play Frisbee. Trust me, Vondelpark is a huge park (the most famous one in the Netherlands!) and has the perfect atmosphere for an active, free-spirited photo session.


The best way to explore what this city has to offer is by bundling up your family and taking a stroll through the city. See what calls to you and what gets you excited. I highly recommend making a day out of it and  spend the afternoon in Vondel park. Amsterdam won’t disappoint you, I promise!

Photo credit: Vinita Salomé. All images used with permission. 

Vinita Salomé

A multi-lingual world citizen, Vinita is an on-location, natural light, lifestyle portrait photographer, endeavoring to capture glimpses of family lives. Having travelled extensively and lived in three countries, Vinita has always been fascinated by people and photography. Vinita’s working philosophy is based on her perceptions and feelings, which have been polished and honed through her diverse international experiences. Through Vinita Salomé Photography, she pools her love of photography with her everyday experiences as a mother and her innate interest in people to capture the extraordinary flashes in the ordinary moments of our lives.