Looking for a school for your child but not sure how to begin? Amsterdam Mama Sara Bobkoff has been through the process and has some tips on how to get started.
There are lots of websites available in Amsterdam to help you start your research. Most are in Dutch but Google Translate can really help if you are not confident in Dutch.
10,000 Scholen
This independent comparison website is dedicated to open data and allows you to compare and contrast schools in your neighbourhood, including everything from classroom size, age of teachers, background of the students, test scores, and streamlining. You can also select up to three schools to compare and print out in a full report. Not all schools have submitted complete information.
OCO Onderwijs Consument
This independent, non-profit organisation helps inform and advise parents about the Dutch school system, as well as helping us navigate the system and increase how we participate in the schools themselves. You can look up schools for basic background information such as CITO scores and location, as well as star ratings given by parents. Their school search tool can be found here.
Onderwijs Inspectie
The Dutch Ministry of Education website allows you to view the Education Inspection report for all schools. You can also compare up to three schools.
Schoolwijzer Basisonderwijs
This website is the result of collaboration between the city of Amsterdam and school boards, and helps you compare and contrast elementary/primary schools. It is available in English and Dutch.
This list is taken from an article originally written by Sara Bobkoff and was updated by the editorial team in 2017.
Sara Bobkoff
Sara Bobkoff has been obsessed with exploring the food of Amsterdam for almost 20 years. She, her Dutch husband and their daughter believe the food they put in their mouth should satisfy palate, body and conscious. When not meal planning, the American writer is copywriting, working on brands and cooking up content strategies.